Let's see pics of VHO only tanks!


New member
As my nano-reef will be going to VHO-only lighting within the next month, I'd like to see pics of other people's tanks who choose to use VHO bulbs as their sole source of lighting.
i went to find my pics of my 30 gallon with VHO's and they are all gone, i have since torn the tank down to reset it up as a Zooanthid tank, i will post pics when i get it up.

but until that time, i will just look at everyone elses pics :D
Here's a pic of my 55g softy tank.

GEOFLOORS WOW!!! thank tank is awesome!!! i cant even see your live rock things have grown so well. so what are you adding to your tank to maintain CA/ALK to get coralline like that?

what are the specs on your system? (skimmer, pumps, dosing, etc.)


great tank


Thanks! The tank is an AGA 55g. It uses an overflow box. Hagn 802 return pump. 3 maxi jet 1200's for circulation. All the rock is homemade rock except 2 top pieces I used to see it (10# fiji, 10# florida),4 " southdown sand bed. This tank is almost 3 years old. This tank is connected to a much larger system... a 120g sps tank, 100g rubbermaid stock tank refugium, and a 30g sump. The skimmer is a beckett2 knockoff and I use a homemade calcium reactor, The skimmer and reactor were both made by coralhound a few years ago. This system also has an auto top off.

Here's a pic of the whole system

Next to the Radiums the VHO's look really pink. I have since switched to 10000K Ushios on the 120. This pic is about 1 month old. The sump is behind the 120g

Those are really beautiful tanks geofloors!
Great work!

Since you've changed the radiums to ushios, how does the lighting compare? Does the VHO tank still look very pink?

Let's see some more pics from anyone using VHO only!
heres a pic with one 96 watt uri aqua sun ,one 96watt coralife tricromatic and one 30 watt actinic 03 if it dont show i will post a link below.........jaime

Wow, pi, your tank is incredible!
I'm personally not one for 100% acro tanks, so your mixed setup is simply amazing to me! Great job!

outprowllin, none of your pics are coming up... can't wait to see them!

Keep them coming everyone!

(hmmm... every sentence I wrote in this post ended in an exclamation point, except for this one...)

That's the color I'm looking for.

What combination of VHO's are you using??

I've got:
2 actinics
1 50/50
1 Aquasun
- all URI

I used the manual white balance on the camera and calibrated it using the top of the kalk jar. It is a little off, still better than auto.