Lets See Those Tanks!


Premium Member
I finally got the hair algae squared away and my tank is looking pretty good right now so I thought I had better get some pictures.

I had to do a lot of work to get over the algae problem. I just bought a Tang and he's been doing awesome. Frank took a few pieces home and his fish picked the rocks and coral clean!


Some high lights:




I'll fill those bare rock spots with the rest of my cleaned zoos that Frank has, if I ever go to his house and pick them up.

I know someone else tank is looking good right now! Share some pictures...
Dam, I dont have any pics since ive moved the tank.

heres a teaser. this thing has only gotten bigger!

and so has this thing. Jason, thats one of your old clowns...

More tank pics will come this weekend. im headed to Iwo Jima on Thursday, be back Friday night....but tommorow I gotta get everything around. Know how that goes...
Who can spot the MaxiJet 1200 in my Display tank....?

trust me it's in there...

And sorry about the crappy picture, I was in a rush.

well, I tucked the cord in for now, since I'm not using it yet.

Here is a closer look, can you see it now...?

It's under all the zoos in the left corner... You guys didn't know that? I saw the flower pot they were making for you down at ACO. It's motivated me to try and get some frag to cover the top of my stand pipe. Looks great!
well, I still have one over there, and now I'm thinking I might not need it, I have the one in there already and LOTS of flow from my return line. So if you want it, let me know.

Or maybe we can stuff it in someone's frag tank in the mean time, ahem MIke, oh wait you already said it's full huh...? which reminds me, empty your inbox.
OOPS! Inbox emptied!

The frag tank actually has room again. That thing has been a revolving door. I'm sure we can do something with it if you need too. I also have some more coral for you if you want it. Let me know!

I will take some for sure, IM me your number, I lost it. and here's a close up of the powerhead in disguise....

They looked at me really weird when I first explained my idea, but after they were done with it they loved it....

but now, why not do the same with the powerhead itself....? or mushroom coat it, he he...
Thanks Mike..!!!

Thanks Mike..!!!

Here's the unidentified coral that Mike gave me about two hours ago, thanks Mike, I thinks it's galaxea, just a color I've never seen before...

My pictures are getting better !!!!


My Sun Coral in training, took about a week, and learned to start opening around dinnertime....


And the stuff I was offering you Mike, hope you like, maybe we can try the whole, put them in a blender" fragging myth.

so I said this weekend...is the weekend over yet? Not for us govt workers. :cool:

I didnt bother to crop/clean them up




this dam thing keeps rolling over no matter how many times I put it a different way....
remeber, this was the bubble coral that was 95% lifeless when I got it

this pic really doesnt do this justice. 4000y at the fish lady.