New member
Here is my beautifull sea slug as it was on 11/15/03. Nice and fat.
In what must have been the most horifying night in poor sea slugs life he woke up on the morning of 11/16/03 looking like this.
Sea slug was a fighter and was not about to let something as simple as loosing 90% of his body get him down. By 11/18/03, he was looking as if he might just make it.
By 11/26/03 he has re-grown most of his missing body parts. The only noticable injury is his right ear. He now feals well enough to leave the safety of the glass and resume feeding.
Now on 12/8/03 he is back to normal self just a little smaller than he was before.

In what must have been the most horifying night in poor sea slugs life he woke up on the morning of 11/16/03 looking like this.

Sea slug was a fighter and was not about to let something as simple as loosing 90% of his body get him down. By 11/18/03, he was looking as if he might just make it.

By 11/26/03 he has re-grown most of his missing body parts. The only noticable injury is his right ear. He now feals well enough to leave the safety of the glass and resume feeding.

Now on 12/8/03 he is back to normal self just a little smaller than he was before.