Lettuce Sea Slug: Regrowth pics


New member
Here is my beautifull sea slug as it was on 11/15/03. Nice and fat.

In what must have been the most horifying night in poor sea slugs life he woke up on the morning of 11/16/03 looking like this.

Sea slug was a fighter and was not about to let something as simple as loosing 90% of his body get him down. By 11/18/03, he was looking as if he might just make it.

By 11/26/03 he has re-grown most of his missing body parts. The only noticable injury is his right ear. He now feals well enough to leave the safety of the glass and resume feeding.

Now on 12/8/03 he is back to normal self just a little smaller than he was before.
acroporas-It's just my weird sense of humor.I know that this is the clams and other mollusks forum,but its so unusual to see anything other than clam pics!
Rothie said:
acroporas-It's just my weird sense of humor.I know that this is the clams and other mollusks forum,but its so unusual to see anything other than clam pics!

I figured it was something like that but wasnt sure.
I had a lettuce slug get chopped a few months back, it lived for a week or so, and then one day I couldn't find it, haven't seen it since.
Awesome pics. I recently got 4 Lettuce Slugs and they are very interesting creatures. One has remained on the same rock browsing on algae for weeks and has doubled in size. The other three roam the entire tank munching on algae and have also grown quite a bit.

NTidd said:
What kind of algae?

I dont know. I havent asked him what his favorite type was. To tell you the truth, I have not noticed any evidence that it actually eats algae. You dont see any marks on the glass like snails leave and i have seen no general decline of algae of any type. Lots of people buy them thinking they will cure their bryopsis problems, I cant confirm or deny it, but they dont seem to eat much of anything(partially due to photosynthesis) so I bet it would really take a ton of them to cure any kind of problem.
CrocoDillon said:
WOW! I didn't know they can do that... what happened to him btw 11/16th? And what part am I looking at the second picture?

I have no clue what happened to him. I did some aquascaping the night before so I may have smashed him. It also might have been the BS jawfish, he as a big appitite. Based on how quickly(2 days) he regrew mouth and ear, I think it must have been his head that made it.