LFS spreadsheet change for the new year?


New member
I was just going over the LFS spreadsheet and noticed some of the top LFS for me have changed since I last voted. Some LFS that were just opening when the pole was taken didn't stand a chance then.

I don't want this to be taken in the wrong way but maybe for the new year we could have another poll for all LFS, one that better views the opinions of club members now. I also know that my opinion for a LFS has changed and a fresh update every year would keep the sreadsheet up to date.

Just my .02 hope we can figure something out

I like that idea too!!

my fav store (Fish Smart)
good deals and its really close to my house but hey that's just me
(another reason) they have a shark lol and it saves me the trip to Big Al's in Broward lol fun to check out.