light for sump


New member
I was just wondering if there are any recommendations for the light over the sump? My sump will be 100g so I jsut not sure what lighting is best for it to keep all healthy and well.
A 100 gallon with nothing else in it is a sump and you wouldn't need lighting for it. Were you talking about using is as a frag tank, fuge or holding tank?
a 100 gallon fuge.. lol oh my god that is HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

How big is your tank?
I am setting up a 210g reef and I was given an old scratched up acrylic 100g tank for free to use as my sump so I just decided to make it myself but I just not sure how much lighting the plants will need I know the equation for in the reef tank but do plants have the same requirements when in the sump?
any light will work.. i use the florescent flood lights avail at HD or lowes.. they use 23 watts and put out 120 watts