Lighting for Turtle Grass


New member
Hi Anthony,

Just took a look at your book and didn't see any specific recommendations for refugium lighting.

I am setting up a 55g with a 25g high refugium. I will have 8" of sand in the refugium and approximately 10" of water. I would like to grow turtle grass.

The Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce has a report on turtle grass that states:
"Growth and Light:
Growth of Thalassia testudinum, Halophila engelmannii, Ruppia maritima, Halodule beaudettei and Syringodium filiforme was investigated in the laboratory, at various light intensities. Optimum growth for all five species was obtained at light intensities of 200 - 450 foot-candles. At light intensities above or below this range, growth was much slower for all species (Koch et al 1974)."

I would like to use compact flourescents over the refugium.

How many watts of compact flourescents would produce the 200-450 foot candles of light?

Look forward to your new book,


Cheers, Joel..

Nice researching my friend... yet, the report as you can see is rather dated. Frankly, I do not agree with it... its such a narrow and superlative range for organisms proven to flourish over a much wider actual range of parameters.

I dont recall the conversion off hand for foot candles to useful PAR/lux readings.

Rather moot too. No worries... let me suggest 120 -150 watts of light over this refugium for vigorous growth. I'd feel as well or better if it was delivered by a 100 or 150 watt MH with a very good parabolic reflector (more bang for your buck).

Best regards... and best of luck!


PS- hoping you will be pleased indeed with the coverage we have on this topic in the new book too :D Rather extensive :)