Lighting question


New member
Good afternoon,
I recently purchased a retrofit kit, the same kit I have used to generate the MH lighting that I use. I ordered an XM 15K bulb for this third kit as well. I have learned that MH bulbs need some break in time however, I am confused about what’s happening with the bulb I have.
I recently replaced my other 2 MH bulbs with XM 15K's. While 1 broke in transit, I replaced it with a 14K. I know there should be ‘some’ difference. However, going from left to right, it looks as if my tank fades from near sunlight conditions to the ‘blue’ a person gets from using a XM 15K. All my 175W MH fixtures are identical, I’ve purchased all 3 from the same source using the same product link. Right now though, I have a 14K, the XM 15K in the center and on the right, another XM 15K. On the left, the 14K looks like near sunlight, the center, a 15K lights brighter than the other 2. The last, on the right, is another 15K that does look blue. Does someone have an idea why this is? I really would like help in understanding this. Thanks..
That is a tough one. I would recommend posting this in the lighting/equipment forum to see what the experts at MH lighting say.
Ok, now it gets interesting.. I changed the reflectors used by the new bulbs and now, all 3 of them are bright. The right bulb, has gotten brighter, the bulb that was on the left and is now in the middle is still bright. The one that was in the middle which is now on the left, is also still bright. It appears that it may be a power issue but I'm not sure why or how?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9762931#post9762931 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jeffb3t
That is a tough one. I would recommend posting this in the lighting/equipment forum to see what the experts at MH lighting say.
Just along for the ride and definitely no expert, but I just found out about the bulb's nipple having to face anywhere between 10 and 2 o'clock with respect to the tank's surface. You make mention that you've changed reflectors - changing contrast - maybe you repositioned the nipple in a better position????

Definitely interesting, so I'm in for the ride.
Nipple's? Ride? Well, it is Saturday.. so.. (hehehe) I haven't heard of anything like that before. I'll check around and see if that has any bearing on this and post an update.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9779262#post9779262 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by N1ceDrgn
Nipple's? Ride? Well, it is Saturday.. so.. (hehehe) I haven't heard of anything like that before. I'll check around and see if that has any bearing on this and post an update.

Yea I know - - I thought the same thing - someone is taking reefing to another level, wasn't sure if I wanted to go there, but did a quik search, and bingo...
Here's one link with advancedaquarist by Harker...

I played with it (pardon the pun) and the noise level of my hood went down, heat went down, and overall light stability stayed causal experiment conducted mind you, just shadetree technology applied...same as on my car.