Lighting upgrade

DA Mini Reefs

New member
I have had 1x150wt 13k AB M/H on my 4x2x18 tank for 2years now with 1 Sqamosa witch has grown 4x in 18 months.I would like to get a Crocea as well and will be upgrading to 1x250wt. 13k AB soon. Will this be too much of a shock for my Sqamy witch is half way up on the RHS of my tank?.Sould I place the 250wt on the LHS for a while and gradually move to the centre over a week or so? :) :mixed:
Lighting Upgrade

Lighting Upgrade

Does'nt anyone want to reply to my post? There are'nt many people in Australia that know a lot about keeping Clams. That's why I asked the question.
200 total watts is quite a jump - I'd acclimate the squamosa. You could raise the lights or shorten the photoperiod. If the clam is not attached you could put it on the sand. I keep my squamosa on the sand under 250watt AB hqi and seems to do well.
Whoops, I meant 100 watt total increase. Duh, I'm an English teacher. Why not put both bulbs over the aquarium? One bulb over a four foot tank seems rather dim.