

New member
I am going to be replacing my two 175w MH. Do you recomend a particular brand, and also should I get 10k, 20k? Running mostly brains, leathers, polyps, colts, frogspawn, clams. Thank you for your help and input. By the way I rescued my tangs, and only now have one yellow and one scopus! Thanks again.

Cheers, Jason :)

With less light demanding species, generally speaking, as you have... 20K lamps might be attractive, useful and appropariate. However, I normally tell most folks with a garden reef display to stick to 10K and go no bluer/cooler unless they have an aesthetic preference for it. The is no one perfect light bulb/scheme for such generalized coral keeping (hodge-podge mix). You can mix lamps if you feel so inclined just the same.

Favorite lamp brands in general include AB, Ushio, Iwasaki, and Radium in my personal order of preference.

Best of luck!
