limestone questions


New member
ok 2day i got a bag of pulverized calcitic limestone i was going to use in my 10 gal tank for a coral growout tank
(my current lights are not enough for my coral frags
i painted the sides and back of the 10 gal light blue to help with keeping things ion the tank bright
lights will be 1 loa 65w flourex cf light fixture

sould i put the pulverized limestone in the bottom of the tank?
i heard of someone doing this but cant find the thread.
i figure the limestone will help the corals grow better
ne thoughts on this?
The problem I can see with my limited knowledge is how do you know what is in that limestone as far as metals and such. I have seen a thread, or something in a thread, about using limestone but I remember it saying you are taking a chance. I also remember another reefer saying he used limestone with no problems at all. Is this a non-answer answer...... :lol: