Live rock import question


New member
Hi, long time reader. No aquarium setup, as i'm in a small apartment until later this year, when I'll finally jump in.

I've been pondering a live rock setup. I travel to Manila for work regularly. A coworker there has a family fish farm and access to a reef. He's suggested they can give me some small pieces of live rock that have broken off. Nothing huge, probably 4-5lbs maybe a bit more. I figured, it'll look different and act as a nice accent piece possibly to some other larger pieces I can obtain locally here in the states.

However, importing this has me concerned. I can't find any clear documentation on if there's some type of required forms to fill out or if it's at all legal? I know it's legal for me to take it out of the Philippines. I'm not clear on if it's legal for me to bring it into the states. I have no interest in getting arrested over this.

If documentation is required, I can have my friend's business fill out some forms indicating it's not been harvested off the reef. They actually won't even do it cause they depend on the reef for the "seed" fish they use to maintain their fishery.

Anyone have any experience in this? Or should I just regretfully, put it out of my mind?
Live rock is regulated as "Scleractinia" under CITES, so it's not feasible for you to import small amounts of it yourself. About the only way to do it legally would be to find an exporter who already has permits and can ship it to you in the States.
Live rock is regulated as "Scleractinia" under CITES, so it's not feasible for you to import small amounts of it yourself. About the only way to do it legally would be to find an exporter who already has permits and can ship it to you in the States.

Ah that's what I was afraid of.

So how about the post above? If I have it dried out entirely...and it's just rock? I'm guessing that's a semantics argument at that point and I'd be running the risk of dealing with customs on it. Probably not worth it.