Live Rock


New member
Just started my 125 aquarium. Last week was the plumbing and filling the tank with salt water. Friday i put 80 pounds of live sand and 40 pounds of marine sand. Saturday i put in 53 pounds of Live Rock.......
The question is i bought this live rock from my LFS ......Was i suppose to cure it...........IF so to there is
a lot of what looks like ants and critters crawling and i have seen some kind of crab with a shell that looks like a ice cream cone.
Boy u can tell im new at this.......Did i do wrong..........trying to start the cycle on my tank........I have done all fish for 16 years and this is my first time with reef.
From the old
I am no expert either, but you should be fine regardless of the rock being cured or not. It might actually help you cycle your tank if the rock was uncured. It will create a strong cycle and after it's done your tank will be ready to go! The "critters" on the rock are nothing to worry about. They are beneficial and part of the ecosystem. Keep reading the posts in this forum as you will get some great advice. Good Luck!
mantis shrimp

mantis shrimp

I'm not sure but I think I have a mantis shrimp in with the new rock oh gosh ..........I will have night mares now.............LoL
are they really little this was about as big as a big ant and the back end was folded under with antennas on his head.........or is this something else. I sit there with a flash light looking in the dark and they move so fast u cant really see them. If someone saw me sitting there in the dark they would think im