Livestock for sale.......

The Saltman

New member
Hi guys,

Have some items for sale out of my 72 bowfront

5+year old maroon clown--very nice big looking clownfish $75
You have to see this clown to appreciate how good looking he is

2 starfish--make offer

About 80-90 pounds of fiji live rock. $200 for all.

mandarin---$20 have had him for about a year. Very healthy and active. Will take frozen brine shrimp.

Royal Gramma----$10

I am located in Fremont, Ohio. Anyone interested in stopping by, please pm me and we can set something up. Anyone who also buys anything will get some free turbo snails and nassarious snails that I can dig up.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6968474#post6968474 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kuniva
How far is fremont from columbus ohio ?
And can i buy some of your LR ?
And how much will they be?

its up near toledo and sandusky. 2.5 hours drive or so.
No kidding, I just went up to Fremont today, but under dire circumstances (funeral). Took us about 1:45 from north columbus.
23 North to 53 Norht to rt. 20 East... boring a$$ drive use to live 10 mins east of Fremont... Hope you like empty fields, lol.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6972629#post6972629 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Teddy Ballgame
No kidding, I just went up to Fremont today, but under dire circumstances (funeral). Took us about 1:45 from north columbus.

my time is from grove city ... :)

an 1:45 from northside is a safe estimate.
I am not a member, just bought my first reef tank and found out about the club. If your deal falls through on the LR let me know, I may make the trip. Thanks!
72 gallon Reef Ready bowfront tank is now for sale. Had it for one year. Very good condition. It will come with a mag drive 7 pump for the return. It will also come with a 20 gallon sump. Will also included 2 heaters. They are the Stealth heaters. Asking $375 for everything. Pics of the tank setup can be viewed in my photo gallery.