local mantis question

Heavenly Damsel

New member
LFS employee telling my son that mantis are abundant in the Intercoastal Waterway along the NC coast. Does anyone have info on what kind of mantis these might be?
I think they are going to catch some next weekend.
There are about a dozen species reported from N. C., but the only large one that is common is the spearer, Squilla empusa. They can get to six or seven inches and can occur in u-shaped burrows in the very low intertidal.

That is where they are going during low tide. This fellow says you just listen for the clicking and then net them. If they catch any do you want one?
Some people use Yabbie pumps to suck them out of the burrows. I prefer to stick my finger (hand) down the burrow and push through to the other end. The animal usually pops out as you reach the second entrance. Some animals have side chambers and you miss them, but that is part of the fun. It they are Squilla empusa, I have several right now. If they are a different species, I would be interested. If you get any, I would appreciate a picture. Good luck.

I live in jacksonville N.C. right on the coast.I have been looking for a mantis for several weeks.Can someone tell me more about the mantis shrimp that live in these waters?
We are in Jacksonville also. In fact we have formed a reef club here. Our next meeting is 6/8 at 7:30 PM. If you would like more info please contact me at tpritchard@ncnets.net
Adam at Pet Warehouse told me about them, where and how to catch them. He and my son are going to get some soon. He could give you more info. HTH