Look and read about clam #1 at this link

Clams can be hybrid? It just looks like a maxima to me. I don't see any squamosa characteristics.

<img src="http://themarinecenter.com/maximahybrid1.jpg">
I won't comment either but you guys should see my Gigas Crocea hybrid. It's huge!!! And there I thought that supplier X was an honest supplier. :rolleye1:
Flame*Angel said:
Clams can be hybrid? It just looks like a maxima to me. I don't see any squamosa characteristics.

<img src="http://themarinecenter.com/maximahybrid1.jpg">

Bingo! ;) ;)

I'm going to have to start selling clams like that too. Put a gigas in a 10 gallon, and sell it as an XXXXL :cool: (None of this inches nonsense for me!) Only $299! ;) ;)
i've heard of them before. the scutes on this one are slightly heavy and irregular for a max. i'd have to see it's bottom before i decided if it was true or not....

not that i would even think about buying *anything* from them with their size descriptions...