looking for a auto top off

I ended up ordering an auto-topoff system from the States a short while ago, but I found (yesterday, in fact) that Marfied makes one for the Japanese market as well.

http://item.rakuten.co.jp/chanet/15257/ <--not too pretty, but stores the water and can be connected to a Marfied RO/DI unit.

Here is a diagram showing an example setup: http://www.marfied.co.jp/aquainterior/category/ca_01_09_07.htm

If you're interested in this, there are plenty of places selling it. The bad news is that there aren't many alternatives on the Japan market, though I have seen a few homemade float switches for sale on Yahoo Auctions.
Alex, I have one of those switches. I might have a whole rig (relay and wiring maybe) as a mattter of fact. I will search tonight to make sure that it is NOT in storage. If not in storage, we can talk....
I work close to there, if the typhoon on Foster; let me know and I can drop by and let you get it. at around 3:30 today