Looking for a Peacock Mantis


New member
Well I am hooked. I definitley want to get one of these guys. I currently live in the East Bay (San Jose CA) and am wondering if there are any LFS which currently have them. I saw the previous post about the one in Hayward... but I guess it is gone!!

IF any one has any info let me know!!

Also I have a 10 gallon with crushed coral and small pieces of Live Rock. The depth is about 1.5 " of crushed coral. It currently houses two 3" hermit crabs. This will become my mantis shrimp tank. The tank is glass, and has a small fluval internal canister filter, and a small glass heater. Will this be okay? I will probably get some more live rock.

Also can a small damsel live with a smasher?


Currently I have a dominoe damsel and a firefish goby with my peacock. I do plan on getting more damsels. I do not think they can catch them, but you never know!
The Fish Tank in Sunnyvale can get them for you.

If you want one right now, call them today and they can have it by Wed.

I bought a christmas tree rock with three of them in there for 30 bucks! Anyway, they're babies so if you hold out a while I'll give you one, free!

check you PM, i'd gladly take on off your hands


supernip said:
I bought a christmas tree rock with three of them in there for 30 bucks! Anyway, they're babies so if you hold out a while I'll give you one, free!
Hey thanks everyone for the great info!!

I went to Brians Fish World (San Jose) today to see if they had one and he said he had however it escaped from it small tank and is now "somewhere... in the system".

I found that very funny and frightining at the same time!! LOL

Brian's fishworld- expensive but good quality. Try atlantis aquarium in fremont. Great prices and good quality. Just got me a pair of black percs for 20 bucks. They're the solomon islands and have a blue glow to their bands. AC wanted 40 a piece! Anyway, they had a HUGE mantis but its gone now.

BTW please dont ask me for my shrimps ppl... sorry but I only have three and everyone wants a freebie. I wasnt gonna give any away but I wanted to help sirhelm out so he gets one. I will post a thread if I wanna give more away. Might as well charge for these;) lol jk. I'll get pics up soon, these things kick ***!
No way! Atlantis had one?? Man I go there 3 times a week! Yeah they have some great prices. I got my huge tomato clown for 11.00 and my large sleeper goby for 13.00. I have noticed that they go thru cycles of good quality/healthy.. and then poor quality/unhealthy.... but when it is good... it is great!!!

I need to start planning a cave system for the Mantis. I would love to get some more live rock... but honestly 5-6.00 a pound is a small fortune. I am going to get a small amount of live sand to mix in with the current crushed coral. Now I need to find an alternate rubble to L/R. Any Ideas??



You'll need to protect your heater. I used a section of thin wall plastic tubing drilled and tapered to fit the heater and I've read of other people here using pvc. Per Dr. Roy you'll also want to tape over the indicator light since this may trigger a strike.

I'm using an Ebo Jager since they are made with a 2mm glass tube or better yet use a Won Titanium heater.

Sir, you can use deadrock. A mantis doesnt really need too much rock, its mostly for aesthetics. You also just buy a lot of small rocks instead of big rocks a pound or over. I really recommend it as they like to build and personalize their own caves or mine did anyway. I got some table rock from 6th avenue in sf for a buck/lb. Try to get some algea too as they like hide the entrance to their caves. And as far as sand, some burrow and some dont, the ones that do can make a big mess if your sand is too fine. BTW, when you asked me what else could be kept with a mantis, I had hitch hiking feather dusters. They seemed to get along so that might work as well. It really depends on the mantis... Introducing him last might also help too but then if hes an angry dwarf, your investments will be his snacks.

looks like we missed out on the recent LR group buy, but I'll split a LR order with you if you want since I'm planning on ordering in the next week or so.

Let me know,

Hey thanks for the advise. Funnyy thing is I have a titanium large heater for my 25 gallon tank. It is too tall for my 10 gallon. Could I lay it on its side at the back of the tank?? Would the mantis burn himself on it?? That would be the best alternative to my little cheap glass heater.

Table rock?? What is that? I haven't heard that term before....

Re: the LR pool... how does that work? I would assume that a large order is placed and then split??

Let me know.... I am interested if it saves me MOOOOOLLLLA



(Big brother... errrr.. I mean Wife... is watching me.... and my expenditures......:rolleyes: )


No he wont burn himself. Secondly table rock is a flat rock. thats all it is.... And the pool yeah you did miss it but its ok because a lot of people bought too much and are selling it back. Im actually getting kaelini from one of the guys. And a rock pool.... has to be huge or no one is gonna give u a discount bro.

Here are the pictures I promised. These things are so small I cant even get a good picture of it. The more I look at it though, the less it looks like a mantis. Here is a description if anyone can help me ID it. They seem to have white smashers? with black vertical stripes and the rest of the body is green with vertical stripes. The antennaes are rather big and twirl constantly. I think the smasher might just be a claw so I dunno what the heck these things are anymore but I definitely have more than 3 now.... Regardless though, I did order some small mantis shrimps from atlantis and mingwei has promised to get them in. Worst comes to worst, I can just buy you one.
Hey Super.... I am going to stop by Atlantis tommorrow and talk with them as well. Thanks for the offer but I don't want you outta pocket on my behalf. I will see if she can get me one in as well or maybe I can buy one of yours when it gets in??

It will give me time to put together the pefect mantis tank.

He final question... which filteration/flow show I use? Penguin Bio wheel external hang on filter or the fluval internal cartrige 204 with adjustible flow rate?

Thanks again

You could use any filtration and Im gonna look for some more mantis sources. Its ok, I can buy you one. I said I'd give you one so Im gonna give you one. I really dont mind. T&T in San Jose was supposed to get me one but never did...
Tropical Paradise has 2 mantis shrimps in now. They are small orange ones that are both smashers I believe. They are not peacocks though. I saw them there on... Saturday (4/19) I believe.