Lost a squamosa last night, predator found


New member
Yesterday morning when i awoke I found one of my small squamosa tucked neatly under a piece of rock. i would have not thought a whole lot of it except for the fact that I have already found a different squamosa that had dissappeared in the exact same spot. The squamosa opened almost up to its full glory, but had noticable damage to it. I searched for over an hour with a flashlight for the predator, but to no avail. This morning when I awwoke I noticedthat the clam was gone again and quickly looked to the same spot. Under the rock was an empty shell and a large hunk of mantle. I was so distressed as I really love my clams and also because there are several other small squa's and crocea's that could easily be dragged back to their doom by whatever was doing this. I got the flashlight and began searching. Sure enough through one of the holes in my rocks I could see two little red eyes on stalks. I took a dental took and pushed so hard that a 50 lb. stack of rock was teetering, then finally it went through the carapace killing the crab. This crab looks mean!! It is about an inch and a half across very compact with its legs held closely to its sides. It s a mottled dark gray color with a little hair on its legs and red eyes. just wanted to let everyone know if you see these to promptly remove them!!!
Don't you hate clamicidal hitchhikers? :o

Glad you speared him. I would have put him in some vice grips and removed each one of his legs with a pair of pliers! :mixed: