M/H Lights 14k?

DA Mini Reefs

New member
There has been a lot of discussion about 10k verses 20k etc. for keeping Clams. AB Aqua-Medic now have 13k, replacing the 10k they had before. Considering that Knop recommends no more than 10k for Clams, what negetive effect [if any] will the 13k have on Clams?
Dave :)
man im not sure. clams need really intense light and most clams live close to the surface so i would not go any moe than 10 k on my clam tanks. i love my 10k 's though and with actnic supplements they give me great color.
I have kept clams under 14k hamilton bulbs for over a year now with no problems and good growth, two of my clams are are the smaller side 2.5 -3 in and are doing fine.