Macro bush? Any ideas?

Winged Ocean

New member
This macro grows like a bush and will get all fuzzy and then overnight will lose the fuzz and be smooth and a deep green.
It grew up on some Florida rock. Any clues would be appreciated. Its a great macro. I wish I knew if I could take cuttings and trasplant. I haven't tried yet.
Yes, the branches are thick. I will look around for info on that type algae and see what I can find and compare. Thanks for the direction. I will post if I find the match.
You should be able to take some frags and get them started in other locations. It's an easy grower(weed).

Tom Barr
It's small NOW, you just wait:)
I think many people tend to like Codium a good deal.
I'd seen it a lot in cold SW but recently have found it in warm Florida waters.
I have a few small pieces from that location growing pretty well.

Tom Barr
well if you find your self succesfully fraging it and ending up with to much I'd be happy to buy a piece. latly it seems I've been buying more algaes then coral....:lol: :rollface:
Saltwatersensei, I'll keep you in mind. This bush, though doesn't appear it in the pic, is getting quite large. Soon I will attempt to cut and transplant and see what happens. I love it, and actually wish it was the only macro in the tank. I get tired of weed-eating all the other ones. I am slowly working towards getting all the other macro's out and just leave the bush.


Winged Ocean,
noticed you're from OK,.. are u close to OKC??

I'd love to sample some of your codium too.. been waiting on another guy in OKC who is growing some out as well to frag it..

R u in one of the clubs there?
ours meets this next weekend (21st) at my place.. SW OKC

give me an email and if you've got some extras after SW Sensai or want to drop in on our meeting come on by ...


Joe Anderson, OKC
I live about 3 hours NE of OKC. I'm not in any group as of now. I know they have one in Tulsa which I would be near though, but haven't joined as of yet.
I am going to be looking into getting a small frag tank up and running and was going to use that for clippings of the coduim too if it will transplant easy. Its supposed too.
I'll let you all know when I have some ready to go.
I don't really have the room left in my tanks to frag things separately anymore without the sandbed getting a bit crowded. So I'm gonna start a frag tank.
Hmmm, wonder how it would work to just clip and send?
Oh and just a note...From my experience, this plant should be in a med flow area because when it de-fuzzes at night, if the flow is too weak, some of the fuzz doesn't come off as easily. Its so pretty the next day after it loses its fuzz.
Winged Ocean,
I can collect that stuff locally. I'll be going to the coast in two weeks, so I can collect some of a different species if you want. Actually, I can try to get enough for anybody who wants it, if anyone wants it (try saying that ten times fast)..


Fourhand, Winged Ocean.. Im in for anything you would want to ship to me... ;-)P
I will pay for overnight shipping any way you'd like...
WO, the Tulsa group is super organized and they do a LOT of really cool things... This April they had Bob Fenner and Anthony Calfo in and last Novemeber they had Borneman (this one was free even and the Fenner/Calfo event was really inexpensive)

Travis Nelson is the President (OMAS) but he's in Belize right now on a research trip sponsored by (a college in Okmulgee???)
I couldn't go :-(

Im actually the president of the Oklahoma City Aquarium Assoc.. we do both salt and fresh (i have both myself) and we too have speakers and presentations at most every meeting (just haven't got to the level of organization that OMAS has *YET* )

Fourhand.. I used to have a friend ship me stuff from FL and it fared pretty well. Me.. i'll take anything odd you can find and would want to ship out.. codium, ulva, udotea, mermaids wineglass/mermans shaving brush, tubularia, etc...

btw.. all, i purchased a book yesterday from PetsMart of all places (a big chain store here in midwest) and it has a nice *little* section on marine algaes - and it was only 20$ for a nice sized book too...Title "Complete Book of the Marine Aquarium" Author "Vincent Hargreaves" ISBN 1-57145-762-3 304 pages

general info really, but i just bought it for the algae section truth be told...

my personal email is if you want to set up shipping plans...

I know i would definitely appreciate it myself.. odd algaes are hard to find locally here...


Oklahoma clubs

Oklahoma clubs

WingedOcean .., on another note.. we do have a member in Cushing.. don't know if you're near there or not.. that will be coming to our monthly meeting (next Sat 21st) which will be at my place...
if you're in that area.. you could probably tag along from time to time (or hand off some frags to him!) ;-):

I'll collect a lot and post a list of what I bring back when I get back. I found lots of Ulva back in March, so I'm sure theres tons of it to be found also :D