Macro ID Please


New member
Greetings All,

I'm hoping that one of you will identify this macroalgae that is growing off of a piece of tonga branch live rock. This algae started growing really slow, but it has really taken off in the last few weeks.

It looks like grape some some of it came off the branch to me but not sure if is mini or no.
ricksreef said:
yup, looks like Caulerpa racemosa.

Really? I purchased some caulerpa racemosa from Inland Aquatics and it looks very different. The algae from Inland Aquatics has much tighter bunches of "grapes" than the one pictured in the image that I attached in my original post. I will try to get a picture of that one for comparison tomorrow when my lights are back on.

Thanks guys,
I've had two types too.

I had one that was stringy with the bulbs spreaded far apart, the bulbs were large.

Then I had a differen't one that had smaller bulbs but tightly packed together.

but these two differeent C. racemosa came from the same plant that went sexual. Maybe it has to do with lighting or the currant its in.....
I have an online store where we get mass amounts of Macroalgae. You all are correct about the C. racemosa being large and small. We have seen at least 2 different kinds of that macroalgae. They both grow equally fast.
I've seen both varieties here in Florida. I have some of the pictured plant from here in Florida. I know were the bubble C. racemosa is as well. I plan on collecting in about 3 weeks(Yay!) so I'll get to compare them.
It seems to like the rocks more than this variety from what I've seen.

Tom Barr