Macro question


New member
Hi everyone,
I have a question, I want to set up a 10 gallon tank to grow macro, sand bed.... base rock and maybe a little live rock and NO lighting.

Question is, can i feed the macros, and what do I feed them... do i treat them like freshwater plants and feed a fertalizer of sorts or what :confused: :confused: ??

I want this macro tank to grow macros really fast, any ideas???

do i treat them like freshwater plants and feed a fertalizer of sorts or what
Yes, you can provide fertilizer for them. For refugia tanks plumbed to display tanks, most people don't use fertilizer, maybe just chelated iron, if anything.

I want this macro tank to grow macros really fast, any ideas???
Use intense light. If it is a stand-alone tank with no livestock, use a fertilizer.