Mag 9.5 heat. What other pump


Been Reefin'
Just wondering what you guys/gals experience with heat issues of your mag drives. Do they produce that much heat? What would be a cooler running pump internal pump?

mag drives are better than quiet one pumps....and i have never experienced heat problems(or at least noticeable) with mine...they last forever and are very reliable.....
I've had mag3/5/7/9.5. Out of all of them, I liked the 9.5 the best. Any submersible water cooled pump will add heat to the water. It was never an issue for me. Just meant my heaters didn't kick in as often. These days I'm running an Eheim 1260 due to the desire for a quiet pump.

Be aware that the 9.5 needs large diameter plumbing to get the flow out of it. 1.5" for maximum flow, 1" for good flow, 3/4" is very restricted.
more fans = more noise....
Eheim as they said above... just got a 1262 for my skimmer and its silent compared to the sen, heck its silent compared to my mag3 and mag 5's.
noticeably less heat than the sen900
granted mag9.5 isn't a sen.
The qo4000 is a joke up against the eheim1262. qo4000 is a lot cheaper than any of them, fairly quiet as well and energy efficient, have to loosen pump input to keep from having restart problem. At least this is how i cured the problem on mine.
while the qo4000 flows over 1000 gph without restriction, the eheim full bore is 848gph, put 6' of head on it though and the stories are reversed, eheim kills it in flow and every bit as silent.
Eheim is worth the extra 56% more money over a mag9.5.
IF you argue reliability, mag is better than quiet one, but eheim is that much better than either...
mags not unheard of to go 5 years. i've heard eheims going 40 years and still running, by a vendor that is been in business that long... yes eheims will break, but what breaks is the rod/impellor, if you replace $2.00 rod every couple years it'll last without breaking pricey impellor.
Its interesting to see Eheim comments the first time someone gets one. Pretty much the same as when I got mine

1) Quiet
2) Reliable
3) Efficient
4) low heat transfer
5) doesn't die under headloss like other submersibles
6) much better flow in real life use
7) Well worth the extra $$