majano help


Premium Member
I broke down a tank recently, rock had tons of majano (not why i broke it down though).

before I put the rock in another system i need to be sure I kill all the majano.

Ideas? Rock is out, I can freshwater drip, kalk nuke, etc whatever it takes.

Obviously Id like to reserve as much else on the rock as possible, espcially the bacteria. Its covered with coralline but also has some nasty algae Id like to go as well.

How long in the dark to kill majano? lime water dip?

Got ideas?
I have them in my 150 reef. They are one pain in the butt. I took a chance and put a raccoon butterfly in to eradicate them. The butterfly kept them under control and then started to eat my polyps and a few other soft corals. I got him out and the mojanos are back. Joe's juice works but only kills what you can get to. The only way since you have the rock out is to let the rock dry out and then recure. I dont think that darkness or a lime dip will do the trick.