Rob Martin
New member
Hi all,
Have had my 280l tank running for 6 months now.Only fish at the moment are a Marroon Clown & a Regal Tang.Would love to add a Mandarin.I understand they feed almost exclusively on Copepods & my question is this : Is my tank mature enough to have a copepod population to satisfy the Mandarin or would i have to supplement? I dont have space for a refugium at the moment so i'm not able to propogate my own.
Have had my 280l tank running for 6 months now.Only fish at the moment are a Marroon Clown & a Regal Tang.Would love to add a Mandarin.I understand they feed almost exclusively on Copepods & my question is this : Is my tank mature enough to have a copepod population to satisfy the Mandarin or would i have to supplement? I dont have space for a refugium at the moment so i'm not able to propogate my own.