mangroves a waste of money?

jeff davis

New member
For all those wanting mangroves beware! They are slow growing and do little for your system unless plentifull. I bought 11 mangroves (all in great condition w/leaves from Drs Fosters) and proceeded to hang 5 suspended in styrofoam and 4 planted in substrate and then tryed 2 in my sons freshwater tank(basic gravel)-I know fine mud but Sprung said tie to live rock. Now 3 planted in salt is all I have left! They all turned dark brown, losted leaves, got really brittle and then died. Yes I use iron and magnesium at the correct levels. The lighting was recommanded by Sprung was MH6500K -which I use in my sump. 1000k in my fresh. What was wrong here? I thought I'd try to mimic a florida habitate, they look great in nature and thought to give it a shot. O forgot, substrate is Kent Marine Biosediment. The MH pendant hangs Approx 7" and is on a timer for 12 hrs.
If you know the secret to growing these trees please reply to this thread.
You don't mention doing a single bit of acclimation for them...both for possible shifts in saline levels from where they were previously held OR light levels that they may or may not have been used to. Also, just because they drop their leaves doesn't mean they are dead. This is a regular thing for them in nature, and in captivity they will do this when in shock...but sometimes bounce back.
Hi Sky,
Bought them from Drs Fosters and Smith and they dont say what light level they were at, or even if they were previously in salt? The label states there from TwolittleFishes assuming a saltwater upbring? But that doesnt explain why the ones in fresh died either? Death- i barely bent the tuber and it snaped like a dried twig. After examing the inside completly dry and lack of pigment i demend it a 10-6(death). The ones i think are still alive are still slightly green and bendable. Im no green thumb but can reconize death when i see it. Ive read some treads of yours in the past and agree with all you have writen but there is a black cloud above my head. I would of replyed the same. Cant understand my failure. Even if they came in low light or fresh i supplyed both envirnoments. The acc phase was quick though, for the salt, after the bag sat for 30 in aqu water i added 1/2cup of water every 4min till bag was full. then emtied half the bag and repeated the steps til bag was full again. then add to tank.

thanks sky
Not quite sure. They can be temperamental plants. In regards to acclimation, I've heard that the process should be over a matter of WEEKS to help prevent shock, but I don't think this was the problem since you had them dying all across the board.

Well, good luck with the rest of them and keep us updated. Hopefully I'll get my mangrove tank up and running in the next month or two and I can share my experiences as well.

If you decide you want to try your hand at some more, I would recommend getting them from the guy on Ebay from Hawaii--I think you get 10 or 11 propogules for $19 including shipping.