

New member
I was thinking about growing a black mangrove in a 10gal, maybe a light brackish tank with two fig 8's.....or....freshwater and just a few dwarf puffers.....idk about the animals....but as for the mangroves, I have a mud substrate, i thought of maybe piling at 5 inches to one side of the tank and lowering it to one inch at the other side, would this work, and, is a CoraLife power compact 96watt light ok for it??
Try doing a search on here for "mangrove." Being a forum about mangroves and marine plants, there are plenty of posts about this topic--which is why you aren't getting any responses.
yea, well of course i did the search before the post but i couldnt find any post about a mangrove in such a small tank, thanks, i guess it could work, i might go to turtle grass instead, i think i like them better.
THey will be fine in a small tank--there was a thread a few months ago (maybe not in this forum, but on RC) about a guy with a 10 gal tank with mangroves and it was doing well.

Seagrasses are MUCH more difficult to keep as hobbyists are still trying to figure out when they require to be kept successfully.