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Have any of you guys tried growing mangroves in your tanks?

After doing some research on it, I miraculously found some red mangroves (what all the US sites recommended) on Yahoo auctions. They cost me an arm and a leg, but I was told that these are the easiest to grow in the tank.

Unfortunately, they came already sprouted (many sites recommended against this), but they have been as hardy as all of the sites said. They have grown a lot of new roots though no new leaves yet. Slow growth though. I haven't tested how good nitrate absorbtion is, but they look cool in the sump.

Red mangroves aren't native to Japan, but I know that Okinawa has tons of mangroves. (I think they're the black mangrove variety.) Has anyone tried it?
funny you should say that. I went to Higashi yesterday and picked one out right from the mangroves up there...the seed that is, which was a pointy green thing just floating in the brackish water.
Put it in my sump right away. Will keep you posted.
My nitrates are zero because of the 16 clams that I currently have in the tank...the just EAT THE STUFF UP!!! Literally!!:eek:)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10132759#post10132759 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Sangogo
If your nitrates are zero, then what will your mangrove feed on? :)
:hmm6: the nitrate that occurs immediately by the constant biological environment present within the contained area silly....

Sounds good huh? Actually I don't have a dam clue:eek1:

and that's a dam good question....I will research and get back with you on that one buddy...:rolleye1:

...dam tht's a good question....why can't I ask questions like that...
As they are a plant, photosynthesis will help them along. also, no matter what your test kit says, nitrates and phosphates are always present... just not in a concentration that your test kit can pick up on.
Thanks for the save. I had a major crash in my tank the chiller blew out and I am in the midst of doing major maintenance. I cropped back my chaeto and notice the mangrove shoot had roots sprouting from its', something must be providing it a second food source, besides the photosynthetic porcess.
No prob. Sorry to hear about the crash. I lost my clam tank last week and was only able to rescue 2 clams out of the 7 I had so I feel your pain.
Hey guys........I use mangroves in a bed of mud mostly for the benifit of filtration. I started with about a dozen and wound up with what you see below, lit by 175w of MH. I have to admit there was a noticable effect on nitrate until the level was undetectable, then I lost the tallest first and then the next tallest, all the way down to the shortest one I have.


I believe that since they are trees, they will out grow thier "usefullnes" at about 48 inches give or take. I have sinced learned to use them for filtration to a point........... then plant new pods. You guys oughtta check this guy out for bunches of cheap mangroves- he lives in Hawaii and I'll bet his shipping wouldn't hurt as much as ya' think!:D TinMan