Mantis and Neon Dottyback.


Premium Member
Anyone know what would happen here? Who would be lunch? Is it a fair fight, like the snake and the mongoose? Are we sure there'd be a fight? I have a feeling the Dotty would be lunch.

I've never owned a Mantis but I like 'em. Your input would be appreciated.

Dont get a mantis they hide never come out and suck. I have one it came in my liverock its killed three fish )starter fish) your neon goby wouldn't last that long in a tank with a mantis. If you would want one you should get your own little tank for just one mantis (they kill each other).
Okay, lets slow down here.

First of all, forget about the "who would win" scenarios. Unless you have a big, mean crustacean eating fish, AND he goes ahead and eats the mantis quickly, the fish is going to be toast. Eating things is what mantis-s do.

And Coffin - as for them "hiding and sucking" I could name many a fish that does the same.

The trick with any creature is to make them comfortable in their new home. Proper hiding places, good water quality and food, etc.

And for the record, the neon "goby" was supposed to be a neon dottyback (somewhat different). :rolleyes:

A good rule of thumb is to consider anything you put in a mantis tank FOOD.

S !
Sorry i tought he said neon goby. I just have a reef tank not for mantis shrimp only so thats why i think the suck. I want to catch it but its only and 1 inch. They are just not good in a tank you dont want thm to be in.
Thanks guys:). I guess it wouldn't work. I think mantis shrimp are fascinating creatures. But I guess they truly belong in a carefully planned species tank.