Mantis ID?

I know! its pretty cool looking too bad a dont find any info in this particular tipe,:confused: probably they change a lot in color when they grow... I will keep looking for info and sending more pics!
I have never seen this species, or at least this color morph, before. I can tell from the telson structure that it is in the family Protosquillidae. My guess is that it is a member of the specious genus Haptosquilla, but this one is new to me. If it dies, you decide to get rid of it, I would appreciate if you would send it to me. I very well could be a new species.

Thanks for the reply, I'm still trying to find out the specie and havent seen a picture of this type in my search, in the mean time this little guy just crack in two a Sally:hammer: and moved to a new cave,actually a bigger one cause is growing and eating like crazy,I'm going to keep an eye on this little guy and keep you guys posted,and if i decide not to keep it a have no problems sending it to someone that knows better how to take care of this little creature I'll try to send more pics soon!:D
Well you know you have the foremost authority in Mantis shrimps in the name Roy Caldwell.
I dont think you could possibly find a better home for it unless you take it back to its native home (wherever that is) and set it free.
If your going to give it away, give it to Roy.
He is beyond qualified.

Well guys let me see if i can put my hands in this little guy this week! I dont really want to move all the rocks on the tank,but i do have a mantis trap!
Roy,If you guide me a bit on what is the best way pack this mantis ,in a bag? container? I've never send any live creature through mail and I want to do it right.
you can contact me at
Im shure as Noel said it i'll be in better hands with you
Talk to you guys!

Hi Roy,
I did got your message, the rock that i have in the tank is from Tonga, Fiji and Samoa if that helps.
I spoted the little devil again and took some more pictures,he is in very good shape,and i discover that he/she hides in a small rock full of yellow polyps...pull the rock out and he stayed in the rock so i have the devil in a small refugium now.
So i dont think it will be a problem to send the you the little devil soon .
I'm pretty sure that it is an undescribed species of Haptosquilla from Tonga and Fiji. I would like to get some detailed photos of it, take a bit of DNA, and get it into an museum collection. We are currently working on Haptosquilla and the group is proving to diverse. Another live specimen would help. Usually the material that is available was collected long ago, is in formalin so that genetic analysis is difficult, and the animals have lost their color. It is really helpful to have some live material.

ALL IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE!!! :reading: :hmm3: :fish1: :bounce2: :beer:
I will find some time to send he/she to you Roy! ,
I will try before the end of the week,talk to you soon!
I think i have something like this in my tank

I think i have something like this in my tank

IM not for sure if it is a mantis shrimp but i hear clicking every once in a while and it has the same body structure as that little guy though the only differnce is my is greyish black stipes like that. Ill try to get a picture of it again if i can find him he was a fast buggar
You're the Man!

You're the Man!

You're the Man!
Very cool that your Mantis will potentially be in a museum.
Thats a good story for the grandkids...
Maybe Roy will call it a Robzdaquilla.
Anyways, my utmost repect in your final decision of finding it the BEST possible caretaker.


PS: Roy, congradulations on the new discovery and aquisition.