Mantis in a reef tank

Dani Arnanz

New member
I have a nano-reef, and I caught a small mantis which came in the living rock. Now itÃ"šÃ‚´s in a very small recipient, it is a Neogonodactylus wennerae, and IÃ"šÃ‚´ve read its feed is based on crustaceans. If I put it in my nano-reef, will my future small Amphirion ocellaris be in danger??
Just about everything would be in danger, eventually, not just clownfish. That depends on the species and size too, but if it is a neogonodactylus wennerae like you say it's a smasher and it will probably feast on your inverts until it is big enough to tackle other opportunities. Read about some of the nightmares people have had with these things before you add it to your reef! If you want to keep it maybe you should consider a separate tank. The question boils down to: It might be fun to add it now, but when the time comes will you be able to remove it?