Mantis in SF


New member

Last weekend at Steinhart aquarium noticed an empty tank that had a description of O. gonodylactus. In another tank two down, though, marked "Peppermint shrimp" was a red smasher. It was nice to see one on display, this one was not shy, unlike mine....

Anyone else notice a sighting at a museum?
haha, that would have been cool if the mantis got out of his tank and went and dominated the peppermint shrimps tank. Man i love mantis shrimp. I bet they have super powers, like the ability to go through walls, like nightcrawler from x-men.

missing peppermints

missing peppermints

are mantis shrimp that deadly to peppermint shrimp? I found a mantis in my tank within the first week of adding live rock. after removing him, i added 5 peppermints. Its been a week and I can only find 1 of them. could i have another mantis. the one i caught and now have in a dedicated aquarium is a small lime green spearer. I also have 2 large hermits, a small brown goby, a red brittle star, and appx 75lbs of live rock in a 58g tank. Where o where could my little shrimp have gone?