mantis in sump...


New member
Can i keep a mantis in my sump? It has Normal Output flourescent lighting and tons of caulerpa and copepods. Will he harm the pods or plants?
my mantis livecd in the sump with theu pumps etc for over a year. Just give him a peice of PVC pipe or something to use as a burrow
Hi Gold,

It shouldn't cause any major problem in your sump. It might eat larger worms and pods. Mine also has pruned a lot of macro algae and replanted it while making it's den. Most of it has rerooted and started to grow where it's been placed though.


Mine is names the "under taker" I fed him my dead fish a long time ago. :( . Now that I am over my dead fish issues I feed fim shrimp, pellets, flakes, or about anything.
thats cool im really thinking about getting one but i am a little hesitant becasue im wondering if hell break my acrylic sump with that hammer thing.