mantis shrimps in Australia?


New member
Does any one know if there is any were you can buy mantis shrimps in Australia, I would love to get one like is in the picture that is attached to this thread. :bum:
i'm from australia too.
which state are you in?
i'm in wa and found a couple of saltwater aquarium shops that had mantis. one even orders them in from queensland.

that pic you just posted is of a mantis found near sydney.

also you can probably hunt wild ones all over our coast (scuba reccommended)
hey yabbie

wow! ive been about the only mantis owner in adelaide for about 2 years i reckon. its good to have another adelaidian interested in the old stomatopods. as for finding mantis in adelaide water, i asked dr roy caldwell about a year ago and he told me there where a few species of spearers in our coast. you could do a search here and find it. i have also read a book about SA crustaceans that claims we have 6 species here but i have asked allot of divers and they have never seen any but thats not surprising when mantis can seriously hide when they want.

we should organize a dive day and go hunting as i just turned my reef tank into a cold water marine and a cold water mantis would be a coll addition.

im down south in nourlunga, what bout u?


Ive done allot of snorkling/spearfishing at Hardwrick bay on the York Peninsula where my parents have a shak but ive never seen a mantis, were would you look for mantis's in reef areas or sand? a dive day would be great fun to go hunting for manitses but i would need to get a diver licence
im in ingle farm north east of adelaide :eek1:
i borrowed a book called "crustaceans of south australia" and it said that they have been found dead after storms down at glenelg and around that area. i would look at sandflats as i have asked alot of diver and they have never seen any on the reefs and they book said they are spearers in our water and from what ive read spearers prefer a sandy area.

have you actually kept a mantis or just after one?
what kinda set up you got?
never kept a manits

never kept a manits

nah ive never kept a mants but ive been interested in them for a long time how much would a setup for one cost? i found the back half of a mantis on a beach fiew years ago but i have no idea were.
ive spent about $1000 setting up my two mantis only tanks but they are pretty large tanks for the size of mantis i have kept from australia. i had both of them custom made so they are very high and deep but not heaps wide.

ill have a look around and see if i can help u find a mantis.
i might be able to get one for ya? no promises though.


dont worry about looking for a mantis yet but thanx anyway
;) i need to get a tank setup first, which means ill have to get a part time job :mad:
Hey well i live in western australia, geraldton about 4 hours drive north of perth and we get mantis shrimp up here i had one in my live rock i was collecting and managed to kill him sorry..... but he was killing my threadfin butterfly fish i was able to catch he was only about 2cm long, he was the greeny blue colour quite a pretty looking creature next time i am diving i will have look for ya and see what i can find considering i coulda had a baby blue ringed octopus as a pet they r sooooooo cooool and pretty
but are also very very very deadly.
just thought i would share so other knowledge
:D :eek2:
here is a link showing u the type of mantis shrimp i see reguraly on when i go divin o nthe weekends on the local reef u can catch them when snorkelling coz i am in water not even 60cm deep u just hunt them with a decent net and keep lifting up rocks
see what i mean by really pretty

wow Odontodactylus scyllarus

wow Odontodactylus scyllarus

wow Odontodactylus scyllarus :) i wish we had thoes down here in SA ive found afiew blue ringed octopuses tho :(