Mantis Tunnel


New member
I was thinking about getting a mantis after my tank totally died due to my boxfish. I have a 30 gallon and I was wondering what exactly i need. I was probably planning on putting a PVC pipe or some type of tube as the mantis's tunnel, but how long and big should the tunnel be? I probably want to get a peacock but I really don't know which species of mantis to get. Please help me out. :bum: :bum:
The need for a tunnel in the sand may depend on the species of mantis. Some, like the Peacock, will use a buried pvc pipe. Others, like the kind that typically hitchhike in on live rock might bore their own hole in the rock.

What kind of mantis you should get depends on what you want and what is available. They differ in size, color, habit, and availability. The LFS and on-line dealers seem to have mostly Peacocks. If you watch this board you will regularly see hitchhikers offered for free, but these are usually smaller smashers from Florida. I think there is also a fellow on this board who sells Hawaiian spearers from time to time.

Read back through the archives and you will learn what you need to know. Good luck!
I don't know of any stomatopod that won't live in a tube if there are no other options. In general, the pvc tube should be about 1.5 times the diameter of the stomatopod and at least twice its length. If you provide some large gravel and small pieces of LR (.5 to 1 inch) or shell, the animals will modify the inside of the tube to suit their needs. I only know of one species of stomatopd that can create a cavity from scratch. Most modify a cavity by chipping away at the entrance, plugging holes, etc. Over many generations in the field, this is what creates the flask-shaped cavities that many gonodactylids live in.

The largest I have seen were in the 18 cm - 8 inch range. A large one would be considered 6 inches and a really big one 7. Most being shipped today are around 5 in.
