Mantis update....

I have to say this is by far the coolest creature I have ever seen!!
My smithii spends his days smashing up his live rocks for building materials. All night long you can hear him banging away in his tank. And he's getting use to me feeding him with chopsticks. He use to just go all out and attack them when I presented him with he just knocks at them and then takes the food I offer. However he is a bit spoiled...the first few days I was feeding him baby snails from my main tank, and last night he threw out a piece of silverside that I offered him....guess it wasn't like the tender live snails.

He's just sooo cool..I could spend hours watching him. :)

BTW..I've named him Storm :)
I just don't understand why anyone would want such a A lot of people on here have gone to great lengths to get them out of their tands after they hitchike in on live rock. Glad somebody enjoys them.


lol i totally understand where u r comin from.when my b~f wanted 1 i was like why the heck would u want that thing!!!??it kills fish its mean as heck and can break your tank lol!i couldnt 4 the life of me figure out what the big deal was.until i saw the little guy omg hes soooooo interesting let me tell ya! i actually like the little guy and we r even fightin over what 2 name him now lol