Mantis was out and about... snapped a few pics: BWW!

got chow

New member
For some reason, in the past 2 days my mantis has been going crazy rearranging the whole damn tank! I figure he's going to molt soon, but the front opening is wide open... he just closed off the rear 2 entrances. But either way, he's been all over the place trying to rearrange his tank, so I was able to get some pics...




Nikon Coolpix 995. I'm not sure if they make this camera anymore, but the newer version of the 995 is the Coolpix 4500, very similar and slightly upgraded, runs around $500-600 I believe.
Great pics of one unique creature.

kalim: Interesting link... did not know there was a board for ant collecting...

OT: anting

OT: anting

hi ri:

it's not really just for collecting ants, but one for studying, culturing (as in, ant farms), and just talking about 'em....

there are quite a number of good hearted grad students and researchers who spend the time there (much as doc caldwell drops in here once in awhile)...

there's also something called "anting" (derived from ant hunting i would guess).
myrmecos1 just came from paraguay and has some exceptionally good pics of various species:

here's the front: