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I think I have captured a infant mantis it is apx 1/8 of an inch wide and 3/8 to 1/2 an inch long, it is translucent whitish it has claws and a tail like a shrimp, the pictures I have seen arent very helpful in identifying infants. HELP:confused:
Best way to id it would be for you to post a pic. If it's translucent perhaps put a background behind it that will best help see the critter. Short of that, do your best to describe its features, what do the claws look like, size, color... Where did you find it? Does it make that popping noise that mantis shrimp are so well known for???
I found this lil guy inside a coral that I cut up to propogate, the coral was magicly growing holes in the base at night so my local shop said I should cut it up to try to save the remaining living tissue. So, me being the inquisitive guy I am, after I had my cuttings, I did a little exploritory surgery on the base to see if I could determine where the holes were originating. Down in the base almost in the center of the coral I found the lil guy. Not sure if he is a mantis, what I am going to do with him.