Mantle extended, straight up


Premium Member
One of my croceas has gotten strange in the last 48 hrs. It fully extends it's mantle straight up. It's been in the tank in the same place for over 6 months(and is about 4" long) and during that time it extended it's mantle normally. Another crocea, a squamosa, and derasa are acting normally. I suspected algae or other irritant was bothering it and cleaned crud off the shell with no effect. Next thing I'll try is moving it to different flow, perhaps a powerhead has subtly shifted and is now irritating the clam. Also, it's on the bottom of a 180 with 400w mh, could this be a result of too little light over the long term? Any other suggestions? Anybody seen this?

dosing virgra ??


mine did that once, for a few hours lights went out - I took it out and looked, I saw a tiny aptasia near the mantle

scrubbed that out.

dunno what your issue would be, the dosing or the irritant

mine used to do that once in a bit when a flamehawk uses it as a perch.

it stopped, i think the clam learned how to pinch.
Didn't see aiptasia, but I wasn't looking. Guess it's time to get the magnifying glass out. Thanks for the idea.

It seems like enough light to me. However, if the mantle is very colorful, the clam might be asking for more light. I would follow the wise course you are taking; examine the edges of the shell and mantle, and perhaps move the clam up a little.

Perhaps worry is not really in order yet. I occasionally see a clam in my tank doing this, or gaping a little every once in a while. However, it usually resolves pretty quickly.

Let us know how it turns out. I'm sorry I could not be of more help.
Couldn't find any irritants on the shell. I'm starting to wonder if it's a light issue, the crocea halfway up the tank looks fine. Now I'll have to find a place for it on my minimal rockwork :(.
