March Meeting Q?


Member long is the meeting/ sale/ trade/ auction going on? the Cats play @ 12:30 on Sunday if they win their first round game against Wisconsin...

i really want to get down there and get in on some of Ed's frags, but we'll see how it goes.

Note to everyone in attendence:

IF the UA plays Villinova on Sunday, and IF i go to the meeting...NO ONE CAN TALK ABOUT THE B-BALL GAME CAUSE I'LL HAVE IT RECORDING ON TIVO. thank you, i'm not sure if we have any B-ball fans in the club, but my wife and i are die-hards. :D

i'm going to try and go, if i can convince the wife that there is no way we'll hear anything about the game, i think i can get her to buy into it. :thumbsup:

hopefully i'll see you all Sunday.:D
Starts at 2:00, till all go home. I know I won't say anything about the games, I didn't even know they were playing. Also could lend you some ear plugs.
don't you just want to hear that they lost, :eek: so you don't have to watch the depressing wooping. :lol: Villi or UCON will win it all this year, so don't bet on the AZ upset. :(

This year has been a disappointment to say the least, sorry man! I won't say anything though. But the meeting is at 2pm, so you should be able to finish watching before coming.
don't you just want to hear that they lost, so you don't have to watch the depressing wooping. Villi or UCON will win it all this year, so don't bet on the AZ upset.

well...i'm sick, i'd probably still watch it even if i knew they lost. i actually think the UA matches up pretty well with 'Nova...if they play them, the Cats gotta win on Friday first.

yeah, it's been a pretty disappointing year, but next year will be much better.

but this is all a discussion for another board.:D

Starts at 2:00, till all go home. I know I won't say anything about the games, I didn't even know they were playing. Also could lend you some ear plugs.

cool...thanks for the offer for the ear plugs, but that might make conversation a little tough though.:D

Who are the cats and what do they play?

i'm going to pretend i didn't see that...:D