March meeting recap & feedback @ nellie54914's house


New member
I'd like to start by thanking everbody who came to the meeting, I think that's the best turnout we've ever had at a meeting! There were a lot of people, and a lot of frags!! It was great getting to meet a lot of new club members and seeing everyone else again, we had great time! (Pablo liked meeting all of you too. :))

Thank you to the people who brought Mike & I goodies (K1971, iceman, jmkarcz & mako56), we really appreciate it!

Here is the list of members who attended:

nellie54914 ~ Michelle & Mike Witt
Aquabucket ~ Spike (Mike)
mako56 ~ Mike Krueger
Limpit ~ Ron & Ellen Ruesch
DebsSisterFlo ~ Jessica Kriescher
F1rebird ~ Jeff L. & F1rebird Jr :)
Zehrenr ~ Ryan Zehren
BryanJ ~ Bryan Daniels
basicsafty ~ Chris Erickson
iceman5 ~ Andrew Corrigan
K1971 ~ Kory K.
REEFCRUSHER ~ Evan Hendrickson
FEEDERFISH ~ Ryan Mielke
kiowascout ~ Dan
kass03 ~ Kathy Helms
jmkarcz ~ Jason Karcz
sunfish11 ~ Lisa

Feel free to post any pics from the meeting if you have them or pics of frags that you aquired at the meet. Feel free to also post any comments, suggestions, or questions that you may have with regard to the meeting.

I had a good time. Got to meet some new people. check out a cool camera set up. See an amazing tank. Get some ideas about what to do with my basement. Pick up a couple of frags. Genreally have a good time.

THanks Michelee and Mike for hosting!
Thanks for having us! I had a nice time and your tank looked beautiful!

Thank you Mike (mako56) for the free monti frags!

It was great getting to meet some new faces behind the posts and pick up a couple of nice frags.

Cheers and happy reefing!
I would like to thank everyone for making Ellen and I feel comfortable, seeing as that it was the first time we had met all of you (except Kass who we like to hang out with at Mickey Dee's).

Michelle & Mike, great tank and a great time!
Thanks Mako for the Digita, (I owe you one now).

Looking forward to the next meeting already.
Thank you Michelle & Mike (and Pablo!) for hosting such a nice meet! It was also my first meeting and I found it relaxing and friendly, and I sure hope I can attend the April meet! I tried to listen and to learn a thing or two today, and I want to say thank you again for the frags! Thanks to Michelle and Mike, Mike (Mako), Ron, and whomever left that macro algae? I know Spike was saying it was what I should have in a seahorse tank and noone had claimed it so I offered to give it a home. If it was supposed to go to someone and you're now missing it plmk and I'll certainly bring it back to the next meet! Sure don't want to take what's not meant for me!!! I'll edit and add some pics in a few...
Thanks for having us. I love the meetings.
It was nice seeing everyone again including Pablo and meeting the new people.
It was a great turnout and lots of frags flying around which was cool.
Thanks Mako for the frags and I forgot who I got the pink zoo's from (sorry I have a terrible memory) but they are really cool.

here's that macro algae (I'm having too much fun with my macro lens so everything is pretty close up!).

the is the GSP from Ron, it's just starting to peek out

hmm... not sure why this is so blurry? These are the polyps from Mike, they've opened more since the pic

I just love my new ricordea!

striped shrooms, also from Ron

all of the xenia from Michelle (thanks!) is pulsing away like crazy and they're all standing tall. :)

I'm not sure if this is a different type of xenia from Ron, or if it was just a bit more shriveled from traveling? No worries Ron, they're looking better and getting stronger pulses too.

I got this digitata from Mike a short time ago, but I wanted to show a nice macro shot for those who just got a piece today!
Michelle and Mike

Thank you for having us. You have a beautiful tank, I really enjoyed meeting everyone. The group has really grown since we started. I would also like to thank Kory and Ryan for the frags. Kathy glad to hear you like the zoos. I hope you all can make it in April.

Yep thanks you too. It was a very good turn out with a bunch of crazy reefers. You gota love it I had a great time got some cool pics If you like I could post some. Could talk all day I think. Told a few that It would be cool to have like a camp out or something some weekend and my place everyone think about it. We could run the meeting two days might be able to catch some of the busy people (just a thought). The coral and ric are lookin happy Kory Thanks.
Thank you so much for hosting the meeting Michelle. I had a good time and love getting a chance to talk reefing. Your tank is lovely! I will post some pics of my new frags tomorrow. It was nice to see everyone!

Moved the oldest babies tonight to a bigger tank counted 63 got about 40 middle sized ones and had a good fishing trip last night I would guess about 75 I will have clowns coming out my ears. :lol: anyway enough about that here are some of the pics I took. Now remember I didn't do it the camera did so blame that. :lol:




Those are cool pics Mike, thanks for posting them!!

Oh, I forgot to thank F1irebird before too for the frag. The polyps are out and it's doing well, thanks for bringing that over! :)
Thanks for posting your pics too Ryan, they turned out really good! I wish our camera would take pictures like that.
i would like to thank mike and michelle for host it was great it seem like their was so many people to talk to and so little time. i would like to thank everyone that i got frags from 1971 Limpt mako( they are all doing wonderful). debssisterflo let me know if that marco alage works out for you. thanks again mike and michelle for getting everyone together and to see your wonderful setup Andrew
WOW, some great pics all of you.
Next time I am going to have to talk more about taking pictures and less about tanks!
Thanks for having us! The tank looked sweet and clean! I always enjoy a good get-together and checking out how others put there systems together. I'd say this was the largest meeting so far and hope it keeps growing.

The pics posted...WOW what detail.

Thanks to everyone for making it an enjoyable afternoon.
Yep, just got back from transferring money around at the bank, I'm buying one of those cameras...

Great meeting Michelle. Lotsa good faces to see and a great tank and host. Give me a call when you want that hole drilled. :D

Thank you Mike for the Purple digita. It look like it's doing great. I'm gona break to up in a week or two.

Kory, the Cheato is awesome. Mine dosen't even compare. Your is strong and green, mine is soft and breaks. Thanks a bunch for the bunch!

And of course Kass, the green tree is as lovely as ever, thank you for the Xenia as well.

Dan your shrimp seems very happy, if I can find him. He love to hang upside down in a cave. Thank you. Let me know how that frags goes, I'll put a garuntee on that... Kass has some good stuff!

And finally, anyone I talked to, be carefull, I'm home sick again. Chills and a fever with a nasty coughAnd a nasty back ache to go with it. . Hopefully I did not spread it.

p.s. - Pablo is a very good dog.