march meeting

jeff phillips

New member
hey all we all need to try to make these meetings no newbusiness this month next month maybe going on road trip so if anyone is interested need to stay in touch grand opening down in jacksons new store were going to try to be there as a club so lets make a strong showing also you need to stay in touch for a date and time so we can get members there club id cards
NTRC Members at March Meeting

NTRC Members at March Meeting


Hope everyone had a good time, we enjoyed having someone to share our tanks with.

Jeff thanks for the post. It was discussed that we try to make the Grand Opening when they have it at the new store in Jackson (The reef Down Under). I'll try to stay on top of when that will be and keep everyone posted.

Great meeting, wish everyone could have made it, but maybe next time.

Terrie won the door prize a Hydnophora frag.
Hello everyone.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I had a great time and really enjoyed meeting everyone. My dad (Dave) says thanks to everyone for all of the info on starting his new aquarium. John your wife's chili was awesome. I'm gonna have to get the recipe.

A very special thanks to John for selling the awesome frags.

Terry I really like the pulsing xenia also. It is really neat to watch. I will bring you your $5 at the next meeting.
I sure am glad that there is a reef club here in Clarksville.
Hey all!
I enjoyed the meeting also. Great tanks John! BTW I talked with my accountant this morning at church and recieved some good news to share at the next meeting. I'll pm you later John. Hope everyone had a great Sunday and continues to have a great week. Thanks for the shrooms Terri, and the bread mix!!