Maroon clownfish (white stripe) for sale

Greetings, I am tearing down my money pit for awhile. I won't be around to keep it going since I start my tractor-trailer driving job next week. I'll be in all 48 States and Canada. I am selling the rocks and the one fish I have, and a few other things. I have about 45 lbs of LR for sale - $150. The 3 inch maroon clown is $25.00. She is fat and happy, and eats hokari mysis, bloodworms (sometimes), loves flake (prime reef), and will devour brine shrimp. He/she loves to swim against the current and will sometimes eat from the hand. If you have an anenome, she will take to it in short order. I also have a 4 inch (diameter) blue linkia starfish - $10.00.
I have a cleunup crew that includes about 5 mexican turbos, about 35 assorted nassarius snails (vibex and obsoleta) at least one sea cucumber, and about 10 blue-legged hermits of various sizes - $35. I also have a coral skeleton with zoas on it. There are 3 different colors - $35.00 and the other one I have is $10.00 (orange skirt, purple center). Pics are in my gallery. PM me if interested, thanks.

The LR will be sold altogether (I'm not piecing it out). Sorry I didn't state that in the first post. Normally I would piece it out, but I have too many things to do before I go out on the road Monday or Tuesday. Thanks for looking folks.

Clean-up crew is all gone. Thanks Carole. C'mon somebody has to need an additional 50 lbs of live rock in their tank. I'm flexible on the price. PM me because it has to go by this weekend. Also the clownfish is still available. Thanks.
