Maxima clam died overnight?


New member
Hi Folks:

Just wanted to ask how fast a clam can die?

I have had 3 other clams for roughly about a month now. I had recently purchased a 2.5" maxima just last week, so I've had it in my tank for about 7 days or so.

The night before last I noticed that the mantle was extended on all my clams as usual. Then yesterday, the maxima had not opened fully, just partially, and there was ALL this slim all over it.

I've seen the slim before from my deresa, I think it was putting out it's byssal foot for attachment to the rock and the accompanying slim seemed "normal" to me. The deresa is now attached and is doing great.

So anyway, yesterday morning, I noticed the maxima wasn't opening up, but I just left it alone. When the lights were off, I could see the cleaner shrimp all over it. When I went to go pull out the clam, there was a HUGE :eek: bristle worm inside the maxima.

So I was just wondering if maybe the clam I bought wasn't so healthy in the first place, or maybe bristle worm killed it???? I don't know.:confused: :confused: :confused:

Can anybody please offer suggestions because I don't want what took down the maxima to take down my other clams as well.

All the water parameters are within normal limits. My concern is that none of the other clams seem to be stressed by anything, just the max.

You can check out my website for pictures of my clams. The pic of the crocea is gapping as the pic was taken just hours after introduction to the tank.

Usually clam under 3" require feeding + good light source and MH preferred. I saw you only have PC on your tank and make sure you put the clam right underneath the lights espcially for the crocea it require most intensive light.
Many a times, you cannot spot a dying clam before it is already dead. I think the scavengers were just doing their job. You need MH lighting and add some plankton food for them. And try to buy a healthy clam. Look for the foot to be attached to something and the reflex to be good when you block the light from above. Make sure you acclimate them properly and swish them in the water to get any air bubbles out. Good luck.

I feel for you skylergirl. I had the same thing happen to with a 3 inch maxima. He had been in the tank for about a month and looked great. I was taking him out every 3rd day to feed and got good light from the MH. Then one I noticed he wasn't in the front portion of the tank anymore - he looked normal the night before. Looking around, I saw an empty shell in the rear. Huge bummer!
I went back to the store today to tell the person who sold me the clam what happen. He said I could have just bought a dud.

This is the very FIRST thing to have died since I started my tank 4 months ago.

I don't think it was me or the tank.

I even observed new shell grow on my deresa today.

At any rate, I'm getting a 250 MH pendant to hang on one side of the tank.

Thanks for your posts and suggestions.