maxima help


New member
just got my 1st maxima a beautiful 3 inch purple my question is he seems very happy attached to a rock about 15 inches below my lights(has been there for about a week) my lighting consists of 2-3ft 96 watt 10,000k compacts do you think this is enough if not what changes should i look for as far as clam health goes also what type of food supply is good for it. thanks for any info.
Eventually, you will want to upgrade your lights to Meat Halides or try to incorporate them with the PC's you have already. Clams require intense lighting as part of requirements for growth/staying healthy and pc's just don't do the job as adequately. As far as feeding goes, most people feed 3 times a week with DT's.

I am running PC's right now over my 90G which is filled with softies. I do want to start keeping some clams so I am gonna upgrade my lights to Metal Halides. Is just one of those things that newbies like myself didn't know about when starting out in this hobby. It's alway best to buy more than you need since you'll always want to have this and that. With MH, anything seems possible. HTH