New member
Hi, I have had a Maxima clam for about 6 weeks, It has always been in the top of my tankand seemed healthy and happy. Recently it started "Jumping" of the rocks at the top. It is currently on the Sandbed. It looks healthy and happy where it is now. My question is should I leave it or try again to place it at the top? I am looking for a shell or rock to put under it in the hopes it will attach to this and I can then place it higher in the tank. The clam is about 3"
Tank Parameters:
90 G 24" deep
6" DSB
2- 175W 10k MH, about 7" from water
2- 110W- VHO About 6" from water
2- 65W PC about 4" from water
Tank Parameters:
90 G 24" deep
6" DSB
2- 175W 10k MH, about 7" from water
2- 110W- VHO About 6" from water
2- 65W PC about 4" from water