I recently purchased a Maxima and have since placed it on my sandbed. (250W MH, +VHO actinics.. 24" deep)
Hopefully someone can verify whether this is ok:
The clam moved around a little at first and, i assume has now found his 'spot'. But, this spot is at the base of my gorgonian, which is epoxyed to a flat rock underneath the sand. I assume he's probably attached his foot to this rock as well.
First, I hope he won't grow to a size that may eventually endanger the base of the gorgonian... and secondly .. his 'spot' has him somewhat on his side.. Is this ok? ie. he's not open to the light directly above.. His mantle is open quite a bit.. it overhangs the rim a little but doesn't quite touch the sand (on the side that's leaning down)
I figure it may be more 'damaging' or traumatic to try and move him now when he's comfy.. even though he's not completely vertical. Is this going to be a problem?
Finally, the other thing I noticed was that one 'petal' of the mantle (on one side) has been damaged and is completely missing... I'm not sure if it came this way or whether something in the tank did it.. but i've been checking daily and nothing goes near it and the damage hasn't gotten any worse.. so i'm assuming it came this way (got it mail-order). Will this mantle heal eventually or is the missing petal going to be gone forever?
On an aside.. I too have a peppermint shrimp and as far as i know he hasn't touched the clam.. (knock on wood)..
I've also got two humongous bristle worms.. and they've also seemed to leave the clam alone.. i was pretty worried at first.
I may be premature.. but so far so good.....
thanks for any help,
Hopefully someone can verify whether this is ok:
The clam moved around a little at first and, i assume has now found his 'spot'. But, this spot is at the base of my gorgonian, which is epoxyed to a flat rock underneath the sand. I assume he's probably attached his foot to this rock as well.
First, I hope he won't grow to a size that may eventually endanger the base of the gorgonian... and secondly .. his 'spot' has him somewhat on his side.. Is this ok? ie. he's not open to the light directly above.. His mantle is open quite a bit.. it overhangs the rim a little but doesn't quite touch the sand (on the side that's leaning down)
I figure it may be more 'damaging' or traumatic to try and move him now when he's comfy.. even though he's not completely vertical. Is this going to be a problem?
Finally, the other thing I noticed was that one 'petal' of the mantle (on one side) has been damaged and is completely missing... I'm not sure if it came this way or whether something in the tank did it.. but i've been checking daily and nothing goes near it and the damage hasn't gotten any worse.. so i'm assuming it came this way (got it mail-order). Will this mantle heal eventually or is the missing petal going to be gone forever?
On an aside.. I too have a peppermint shrimp and as far as i know he hasn't touched the clam.. (knock on wood)..
I've also got two humongous bristle worms.. and they've also seemed to leave the clam alone.. i was pretty worried at first.
I may be premature.. but so far so good.....
thanks for any help,