mechanical filtration in a reef


New member
Does everyone use it??? I know it hinders the ability for pods and other food sources to move freely in the tank and catches them up, but does it affect water clarity much? I use it now and sometimes my water is so clear in the tank it doesnt look like their is water. I am wanting to introduce some rotifers, pods, brine, into my refugium for food so I was wondering... What about all of the detritus, what catches this?

What about adding food sources?? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The detritus all settles in any and all deadspots in your tank, sump, etc. I don't run any mechanical filtration other than phosban, and I don't have a problem with water quality. You may get more detritus in your sump, but short of that, you should be okay, especially if you vacuume it now and then.
It depends on the methodology you're following for your tank. BB calls for big flow, big skimmer, and no mechanical filtration. The argument against is that a mechanical filter captures food, waste, etc. in a high flow area where it quickly breaks down and enters the nitrogen cycle. Without the filter, waste is kept in suspension, and can be removed by the skimmer before it breaks down.

That said, there are a lot of ways to run a reef tank successfully. Personally, I don't run any mechanical filtration, and I am very happy with my water clarity.
I use a sponge to catch excess food waste, etc. I chane it out every three months. So far no nitrate build ups, so I like it but I am also aware it really isnt necessary. But if aint broke don't fix it!! So i'll keep the mechanical filtration until proven otherwise!!