Melanarus Wrasse has gone MIA


New member
Put him in yesterday afternoon, turned away for a brief moment and he was gone. No sign of him since... any ideas?

Alien abduction?
Joined a cult?
Thanks people, no sign of him anywhere near the tank - hoping he's just hiding out in the sand until he gets settled in.
They do jump, and you shouldn't keep one without a cover on your tank, but chances are that yours is hiding in the sand as opposed to having jumped out.
could have took off w/ my Dwarf golden moray cant find hide nor hair of him

It's highly unlikely that your Eel is hiding in the sand. They are escape artists and get out of well covered tanks only to wind up dried out on the floor behind many peoples' tanks.
mia means ive looked high n low behind over under in sum in overflow ect he's GONE w/o a trace and we all know eels dont sand burrow