might haev to sell 29

mr pink floyd

New member
i came home from school, my dad was yellign at me cuz the tank leave da little from the overflow, iwch was not running, the bulkhead was a tad loose, spilled maybe 2 cups of water, he made it worse that it really is, but water got trapped between the plexiglass and the dresser, which i thought was stupid to put plexiglass for this exact reason, the overflwo was not set up, just holding some crabs until i got my sump setup, the run got a little wet fro ma minor spill last night while switching somw water, so he made a big deal of that, tore up the rug...

now if ican keep the tnak i might not be able to make a sump, he says its not neccessary, i hate when my parents think they know more and whats better or the tank when i do, theyre such idiots...

oh well if i do sell it id make a bigger system in the basement, maybe a 55 or something

today sucks
I kept a 20 gallon tank for years without a sump. As long as you set up some type of good mechanical filtration on the tank and install a protein skimmer, you should be fine.
cheer up pink, it's not that bad. i agree with amcarrig, i have a 46 w/out a sump and its fine. Bruce, the last pres of ctars, had an awesome 20 gal tall set up at Weslyan in his office and that thing was stocked tight with corals of all kinds. It looked awesome. he had a huge open brain in the corner that took up the bottom half of the tank practically. I'm also pretty sure that there was no sump on that too? i could be wrong, it's been awhile. don't be too mad, the twenty is nice especially for water changes :) good luck
they were originally going to make me sell the tank, they were mad, but i was also going to build a sump( already half built) i dont know if the ywill let me build that, but im saying i still get to have my tank!
Hey, Your not considered a serious reef addict till you have a good flood. The real challenge in reef keeping is having the wife believe that that will be the only spill ever again.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6913627#post6913627 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Shark Bait100
Hey, Your not considered a serious reef addict till you have a good flood. The real challenge in reef keeping is having the wife believe that that will be the only spill ever again.
amen. we had to replace our ceiling under where i filter my water.... oh crap!!! be back in one sec!!
The real challenge in reef keeping is having the wife believe that that the $75.00 fish and/or coral was bought months ago, and I am not buying any more stuff for the tank.

"Your just now seeing it???!!!"
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6914679#post6914679 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DILLYBOBS
The real challenge in reef keeping is having the wife believe that that the $75.00 fish and/or coral was bought months ago, and I am not buying any more stuff for the tank.

"Your just now seeing it???!!!"

Used that one way too many times, now its "that was free from the meeting" "Some one gave that to me" "Its a raffle item...err door prize" Well you get the point!!
just a thought, but if the wife/gf ever complain about the tanks, why not just tell them that:

"with the tank i have no time or money for a mistress, but if you want me to get rid of it, i guess..."

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6913182#post6913182 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cmhollis
idk = I don't know
Ooooooooh....now I get it. I don't schpreken the lingi-dee I guess :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6915027#post6915027 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by nemo g

"with the tank i have no time or money for a mistress, but if you want me to get rid of it, i guess..."

:D [/B]
i dont know about your gf, but mine would jump at the chance to say "okay". although i think she is starting to like it now that she has seen it..... Plus i bought a pair of ocellarus and named them after us. she thought it was funny how the female is the dominent one though. But just a hint to everyone. if they dont like it, make them think its cute;)
i dumed my girlfriend cuz she was crazy, literally, then she wouldnt leave me alone for 2 months, its liek trying to leave a baloon thats tied to your back

scary 2 months